EARLY LITERACY PACK (ELP) is ANYTHING that might accompany
books to help start the literacy process.
Typically, "early" suggests young children. But teenagers and adults who have never learned to read properly are stuck,
we can say, in early literacy. The question,
in all cases, is: how do we speed things up? Two very different situations prompted this question. First of all, Whole Word, in all of its names and manifestations, is best understood
as an anti-literacy campaign. Simply to explain the alphabet to its victims would be
a great example of how to speed things up. What are others? Second, many groups give books to poor families-- but often with little additional assistance. What materials
could accompany those books?
(It is not enough to put books in a home if the people
there are not
used to books, don’t
read well, are trying to hide their own limitations, and/or don’t know how to explain things
to children.)