NOTE 1: More than half the articles on this site are scholarly
or intellectual; they are not overtly concerned with education reform. There are many reasons for this arrangement. First,
I'm passionately interested in all these things. Second, a range of articles means the site can appeal to a greater range
of visitors, both casual and serious. Finally, and this is very important, simply to write clearly and sincerely is, in some
parts of our culture, a revolutionary act. I've always had great contempt for jargon and gobbledygook, and the people
who resort to it. Part of my job, as I see it, is to show that complex things can be written about in a simple way. This practice
is intended as an indictment of people who write about even the simplest things in complex ways! (Article 2: In Praise of
Stark Lucidity developed all these themes as early as 1980.)